Donate Cash Carefully This Holiday

" of Canadians were reported to donate in response to canvassing at a shopping centre or on the street.Canvassing yields 20% of the total donations charities receive annually." As you consider your charitable gifts this holiday, I offer some considerations to the donors and charities engaged in canvassing for cash contributions.

Four Essential Fundraising Tools

4 Essential Fundraising Tools

This past week I had the pleasure of sitting in on a strategic planning session with a small start-up charity. Money was on the minds of many around the table, so I thought I would share my thoughts on the four essential tools...

Select Your Charity of Choice

Selecting Your Charity of Choice

The benefits of taking a planned approach to your charitable giving is that it allows you to demonstrate your financial commitment to one or more social causes while living within your personal budget. For the charity, it can represent...

The Art Of Donor Relations

The Art Of Donor Relations

There is an abundance of advice about strategy and the how-to's of fundraising, however little time is spent on developing personal qualities, like empathy, patience, integrity, ability to motivate and good listening. These are qualities that can be developed over time and are essential...