Donate Cash Carefully This Holiday

" of Canadians were reported to donate in response to canvassing at a shopping centre or on the street.Canvassing yields 20% of the total donations charities receive annually." As you consider your charitable gifts this holiday, I offer some considerations to the donors and charities engaged in canvassing for cash contributions.

Four Essential Fundraising Tools

4 Essential Fundraising Tools

This past week I had the pleasure of sitting in on a strategic planning session with a small start-up charity. Money was on the minds of many around the table, so I thought I would share my thoughts on the four essential tools...

15 Tips for Producing a Fundraising Gala

15 Tips for Producing a Fundraising Gala

Creating a quality guest experience is synonymous with providing a positive donor experience when hosting your fundraising gala. Regardless of size – gala or hosting charity – an event that resonates with your guests and reinforces your cause is more likely to be achieved with thoughtful planning and execution.

Who’s Coming to Dinner? Tips for Planning a Fundraising Gala

Who’s Coming to Dinner? Tips for Planning a Fundraising Gala

Great events get built over time and create emotional connections. They possess a strong call to action and emote a sense of community. Great galas stand out above many other fundraising events if they compel people to attend, elevate your cause and garner donor support long after the event. Below you will find tips to help...